SEL Identity
Elementary School Workshop Bundle
Explore topics of navigating and claiming identity, emotional awareness, growth mindset, and resilience.
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Key Takeaways
Identity is what makes us who we are. Knowing our identity works to support feelings of confidence, feelings of being in control, motivation, and a sense of agency for our students.
These workshops focus on Social and Emotional Learning as the underlying pedagogy as we explore topics of:
These workshops focus on Social and Emotional Learning as the underlying pedagogy as we explore topics of:
- navigating and claiming identity
- emotional awareness
- growth mindset
- self-worth
- resilience
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The main focus of this workshop bundle are the CASEL competencies of self-awareness & self-management.
Inside this Workshop Bundle
Teaching Elementary Students how to Navigate and Claim their Identity
Explore ways to teach students about identity, navigate their identity, and claim their identity. The main focus of this workshop is on self-awareness.
Teaching Emotional Awareness to Elementary School Students
Discover new strategies and tools to teach emotional awareness and self-management skills in students. The main focus of this workshop is on self-awareness and self-management.
Teaching Growth Mindset in Elementary School
Learn the benefits of a growth mindset and how to help your students develop this important SEL skill. This workshop focuses on self-awareness and self-management.
Building Self-Worth & Resilience
Explore the ways self-worth and resilience are connected, and tools teachers can use to help students develop self-worth and resilience in the classroom. This workshop focuses on self-awareness and self-management skills.
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Also included in this workshop bundle:
Interactive infographics
Real classroom case studies
Downloadable resources to use in your classroom

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