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RFP for 2nd Supplemental Social and Emotional Learning Products and Services
Specification No. 21-418
Seltrove was awarded this RFP because our SEL for teacher and student materials are CASEL-aligned, evidenced-based, culturally responsive, and use trauma-informed approaches. Our program focuses on promoting:
- Identity, belonging, and agency
- Prioritizing strong, supportive relationships
- Facilitating collaborative solutions that lead to personal, community, and societal well-being
Some examples of the topics our SEL materials cover, include:
Restorative practices
Teaching diversity/culture/race/gender
Classroom management
Understanding trauma
Understanding child & adolescent development
Staff team-building and Adult SEL
School wide Culture
Student Social and Emotional Skills Development
Click to expand for details
B. Curriculum and Materials
B. Curriculum and Materials. Providers who have been approved to provide “Curriculum and Materials” as described below, shall acknowledge that their materials can be purchased without any required professional development for school staff (except materials that include access to recommended online or virtual training material at no additional cost).
Materials that require professional development as a condition of purchase must be approved by the Board in Category C, Professional Learning.
All Curriculum and Materials must be culturally and linguistically appropriate, demonstrate evidence-based strategies that have been successful in Chicago Public Schools or other large school districts and meet local, state and federal requirements.
All Curriculum and Materials must include components for both skill instruction and skill practice. Curriculum and Materials for SEL should be adaptable for implementation in a virtual setting and include the following as approved by the Board:
Materials that require professional development as a condition of purchase must be approved by the Board in Category C, Professional Learning.
All Curriculum and Materials must be culturally and linguistically appropriate, demonstrate evidence-based strategies that have been successful in Chicago Public Schools or other large school districts and meet local, state and federal requirements.
All Curriculum and Materials must include components for both skill instruction and skill practice. Curriculum and Materials for SEL should be adaptable for implementation in a virtual setting and include the following as approved by the Board:
B1. Student SEL Skills Instruction
B1. Student SEL Skills Instruction. Instructional materials that are focused on building students’ self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making skills. Curricula and materials in this category must be aligned to the CASEL core competencies, theIllinois State Board of Education Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards, and evidence must be provided that they impact student outcomes in school.
B2 - B7
C. Professional Learning
C1 - C12
C1. School Wide Culture/Climate. Includes protocols, procedures, and/or processes that guide the operations of the school to improve the learning climate. These strategies most often organize human and other resources in the school differently to solve a problem or concern and create an opportunity to develop a more preventive or proactive learning climate.
C2. Developing Students’ Social & Emotional Skills. Includes training targeted at adult employees or partners who will implement SEL curriculum or strategies, to ensure the strategy is implemented with fidelity.
C3. Classroom Management/Behavior Support. Training, workshops, or ongoing coaching/consultation on proactive techniques to structure a productive learning environment, build positive relationships, and respond appropriately to misbehavior.
C4. Understanding diversity/culture/race/gender/linguistic differences. Training, workshops, consultation, or coaching to support school staff in teaching and supporting students in culturally competent ways.
C5. Understanding trauma. Training, workshops, consultation, or coaching on supporting students and/or staff in the presence of risk factors for trauma, strategies for student support, trauma informed instructional practices, the impact of trauma on staff and adult self-care.
C6. Understanding and addressing community and other violence. Training, workshops, consultation, or coaching on supporting students in the presence of risk factors such as community violence, interpersonal violence, or gang involvement.
C7. Understanding Child and Adolescent Development. Training or workshops focused on normal child and adolescent development and best ways for supporting students of a given developmental age.
C8. Staff team-building/Adult SEL/Adult Leadership Development. Training, workshops, retreats, or coaching focused on strengthening the staff community, building social and emotional skills among adults, and/or building the capacity of school-based leaders to support school staff.
C9. Restorative Practices/Discipline. Training, workshops, consultation, and coaching to prepare and support school staff in implementing restorative practices and disciplinary approaches.
C10. Behavioral Health Systems and Interventions. Training, facilitation of Professional Learning communities, or consultation on behavioral health systems and strategies with focused skill development, generally provided by certified or licensed counselors, social workers or psychologists, that are specifically designed to positively impact a student or small group of students with specific social and emotional barriers to learning. Strategies must have a strong evidence base and shall be implemented for time-limited periods.
C11. Parent Skill Development. Training for school staff to prepare to guide parent education sessions or facilitate parent groups in a school setting.
C12. Parent/Staff Relationship development. Training on strategies developing proactive strong relationships with parent and to resolve concerns with minimum negative impact to the student, school parent partnership, and/or learning environment
C2. Developing Students’ Social & Emotional Skills. Includes training targeted at adult employees or partners who will implement SEL curriculum or strategies, to ensure the strategy is implemented with fidelity.
C3. Classroom Management/Behavior Support. Training, workshops, or ongoing coaching/consultation on proactive techniques to structure a productive learning environment, build positive relationships, and respond appropriately to misbehavior.
C4. Understanding diversity/culture/race/gender/linguistic differences. Training, workshops, consultation, or coaching to support school staff in teaching and supporting students in culturally competent ways.
C5. Understanding trauma. Training, workshops, consultation, or coaching on supporting students and/or staff in the presence of risk factors for trauma, strategies for student support, trauma informed instructional practices, the impact of trauma on staff and adult self-care.
C6. Understanding and addressing community and other violence. Training, workshops, consultation, or coaching on supporting students in the presence of risk factors such as community violence, interpersonal violence, or gang involvement.
C7. Understanding Child and Adolescent Development. Training or workshops focused on normal child and adolescent development and best ways for supporting students of a given developmental age.
C8. Staff team-building/Adult SEL/Adult Leadership Development. Training, workshops, retreats, or coaching focused on strengthening the staff community, building social and emotional skills among adults, and/or building the capacity of school-based leaders to support school staff.
C9. Restorative Practices/Discipline. Training, workshops, consultation, and coaching to prepare and support school staff in implementing restorative practices and disciplinary approaches.
C10. Behavioral Health Systems and Interventions. Training, facilitation of Professional Learning communities, or consultation on behavioral health systems and strategies with focused skill development, generally provided by certified or licensed counselors, social workers or psychologists, that are specifically designed to positively impact a student or small group of students with specific social and emotional barriers to learning. Strategies must have a strong evidence base and shall be implemented for time-limited periods.
C11. Parent Skill Development. Training for school staff to prepare to guide parent education sessions or facilitate parent groups in a school setting.
C12. Parent/Staff Relationship development. Training on strategies developing proactive strong relationships with parent and to resolve concerns with minimum negative impact to the student, school parent partnership, and/or learning environment
B. Curriculum and Materials. Providers who have been approved to provide “Curriculum and Materials”as described below, shall acknowledge that their materials can be purchased without any required professional development for school staff (except materials that include access to recommended online or virtual training material at no additional cost).
Materials that require professional development as a condition of purchase must be approved by the Board in Category C, Professional Learning.
All Curriculum and Materials must be culturally and linguistically appropriate, demonstrate evidence-based strategies that have been successful in Chicago Public Schools or other large school districts and meet local, state and federal requirements.
All Curriculum and Materials must include components for both skill instruction and skill practice. Curriculum and Materials for SEL should be adaptable for implementation ina virtual setting and include the following as approved by the Board:
Materials that require professional development as a condition of purchase must be approved by the Board in Category C, Professional Learning.
All Curriculum and Materials must be culturally and linguistically appropriate, demonstrate evidence-based strategies that have been successful in Chicago Public Schools or other large school districts and meet local, state and federal requirements.
All Curriculum and Materials must include components for both skill instruction and skill practice. Curriculum and Materials for SEL should be adaptable for implementation ina virtual setting and include the following as approved by the Board:
RFP 21-330 OST
Category E- Professional Development
(In-school and Out-school)
Seltrove was awarded this RFP because of our SEL for teachers workshops. Our SEL teacher workshops are training for teachers, counselors, and other school staff in the CASEL competencies of Social and Emotional Learning.
Our workshops include training in:
- SEL for adults
- Creating an SEL environment for students
- Teaching strategies for building self-awareness, self-management, and responsible decision-making in students K-12
- Equity, social awareness, and healthy relationship building
All of our workshops are:
Asynchronous, digital workshops which gives schools & teachers flexibility to learn when convenient to them
CASEL-aligned and promote all aspects of Social and Emotional Learning
Culturally responsive
Trauma-informed teaching practices
Appropriate for adult learners
Customize a SEL solution for your school/classroom
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Approval Paperwork
On receipt of our quote, proceed with the financial paperwork with the bucket number.
Access your SEL Solutions
Once your District Purchase Order has been received, we will work with you to provide you with access to your SEL Solutions.
Some of the Schools that choose Seltrove:
Turner Fenton Toronto
Barry Goldwater HS Phoenix
City High Middle School
Franklin Middle School
Kansai International School
Thomas Jefferson High School
Donovan Catholic High School
Allen High School Texas
St. John's School Vancouver
Cherokee Middle School
Gulf High School
Lincoln Park HS Chicago