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RFP for Social and Emotional Learning (SELF) Curriculum
Specification No. 22-06-02
Seltrove was awarded this RFP because our SEL student materials are CASEL-aligned, evidenced-based, culturally responsive, and use trauma-informed approaches. Our program focuses on promoting:
- Identity, belonging, and agency
- Prioritizing strong, supportive relationships
- Facilitating collaborative solutions that lead to personal, community, and societal well-being
Some examples of the topics our SEL student materials cover, include:
Emotional awareness
Coping strategies
Developing empathy
Learning perspective-taking skills
Understanding healthy relationships
Developing anti-bullying and being an upstander tools
Making responsible decisions
Developing a growth mindset
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A. Aligns with the five core competencies outlined by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
Seltrove’s SEL student curriculum focuses on developing SEL skills in all five CASEL competencies that are grade-level appropriate.
Each leveled curriculum has been scaffolded so students in each grade work on similar skills that are developmentally appropriate for their grade level.
Seltrove's student curriculum is divided into four themes.
1. Identity & Mindset emphasizes the CASEL competencies of self-awareness and self-management. Students learn how to identify their emotions, manage their emotions, develop a growth mindset, find a sense of purpose in their lives, and build confidence in their abilities.
2. Courage & Kindness teaches students the CASEL competencies of relationship skills and responsible decision-making. This theme focuses on creating, maintaining, and restoring healthy relationships, resisting negative social pressures, and making healthy decisions both for the good of oneself and others.
3. A Place to Belong focuses on the CASEL competencies of social awareness and self-awareness. Students learn about empathy, taking others’ perspectives, and understanding their own thoughts and values within the context of diversity and inclusion.
4. A Healthy Well-being highlights the CASEL competencies of responsible decision-making and self-management. This theme gives students opportunities to practice mindfulness and develop coping skills, create balance in their lives, and think about how their actions and decisions affect other people and themselves.
Each theme includes 10 SEL lessons and activities for a total of 40 lessons and activities for the school year. Additional activities are included in the beginning and end of the planners. The last lesson and activity of each theme is a review activity that gives students opportunities to remember what they have learned, make connections to what they have learned and their own lives, and revisit the goals they created at the beginning of the school year, which emphasizes self-awareness and self-management skills.
Each leveled curriculum has been scaffolded so students in each grade work on similar skills that are developmentally appropriate for their grade level.
Seltrove's student curriculum is divided into four themes.
1. Identity & Mindset emphasizes the CASEL competencies of self-awareness and self-management. Students learn how to identify their emotions, manage their emotions, develop a growth mindset, find a sense of purpose in their lives, and build confidence in their abilities.
2. Courage & Kindness teaches students the CASEL competencies of relationship skills and responsible decision-making. This theme focuses on creating, maintaining, and restoring healthy relationships, resisting negative social pressures, and making healthy decisions both for the good of oneself and others.
3. A Place to Belong focuses on the CASEL competencies of social awareness and self-awareness. Students learn about empathy, taking others’ perspectives, and understanding their own thoughts and values within the context of diversity and inclusion.
4. A Healthy Well-being highlights the CASEL competencies of responsible decision-making and self-management. This theme gives students opportunities to practice mindfulness and develop coping skills, create balance in their lives, and think about how their actions and decisions affect other people and themselves.
Each theme includes 10 SEL lessons and activities for a total of 40 lessons and activities for the school year. Additional activities are included in the beginning and end of the planners. The last lesson and activity of each theme is a review activity that gives students opportunities to remember what they have learned, make connections to what they have learned and their own lives, and revisit the goals they created at the beginning of the school year, which emphasizes self-awareness and self-management skills.
B. Integrate with core content
The Seltrove SEL curriculum supports the core academic content through an emphasis on English language arts, reading, and mathematics. The Seltrove curriculum supports English language arts and reading by providing opportunities for students to practice listening, speaking, discussing, and thinking skills; response skills; composition; and inquiry and research through the various lessons, application activities, and extension activities throughout the student planners and class packs [see TEKS ELA (Elementary) and TEKS ELA (Middle School) documents as examples]. The Seltrove curriculum also supports mathematics by reinforcing critical thinking; evaluation; and analysis of information, data, and facts. These skills in the Seltrove planners directly correspond and support mathematical process standards, data analysis, and skills within numbers and operations [see TEKS Math (High School) document as an example].
C. Promotes positive behavior
Positive behavior is promoted within all of the 40 Seltrove lessons and activities by focusing on conflict resolution, responsible decision-making, building healthy relationships, and self-management. The curriculum gives students opportunities to reflect on their own behavior, create a toolbox of strategies for self-management, and to problem-solve using authentic case studies.
D. Developmentally appropriate for pre-kindergarten through grade six
The Seltrove Kindergarten through 6th-grade planners and digital class packs are appropriate for each of these grade levels. The curriculum was written and reviewed by K-6th grade SEL teachers and coordinators and is scaffolded gently throughout the grade levels. Grade-appropriate language and activities are used throughout so the curriculum is accessible to each grade level.
E. Developmentally appropriate for grades seven through twelve
The Seltrove Kindergarten through 6th-grade planners and digital class packs are appropriate for each of these grade levels. The curriculum was written and reviewed by K-6th grade SEL teachers and coordinators and is scaffolded gently throughout the grade levels. Grade-appropriate language and activities are used throughout so the curriculum is accessible to each grade level.
F. Delivered by classroom teacher
All of Seltrove’s curriculum is self-contained. Teachers do not need to prepare for the lesson (other than printing out the correct lesson if they are using the digital class packs). Teachers also do not need to have any specialized SEL training. Teachers can facilitate the lesson during class time or assign the lesson to be done outside of class. If done in class, teachers can read through the lesson with their students and give them time to complete the lesson. For younger students, full class directions are given to the teacher if the teacher would like to facilitate the whole-group activity.
G. Integrates with anti-bullying
Seltrove’s curriculum integrates anti-bullying through the teaching of being an upstander, asking for help, setting boundaries, resolving conflict, understanding diversity, and explicit bullying lessons. All anti-bullying lessons are grade-appropriate and centered on building CASEL competency skills.
B. Curriculum and Materials. Providers who have been approved to provide “Curriculum and Materials”as described below, shall acknowledge that their materials can be purchased without any required professional development for school staff (except materials that include access to recommended online or virtual training material at no additional cost).
Materials that require professional development as a condition of purchase must be approved by the Board in Category C, Professional Learning.
All Curriculum and Materials must be culturally and linguistically appropriate, demonstrate evidence-based strategies that have been successful in Chicago Public Schools or other large school districts and meet local, state and federal requirements.
All Curriculum and Materials must include components for both skill instruction and skill practice. Curriculum and Materials for SEL should be adaptable for implementation ina virtual setting and include the following as approved by the Board:
Materials that require professional development as a condition of purchase must be approved by the Board in Category C, Professional Learning.
All Curriculum and Materials must be culturally and linguistically appropriate, demonstrate evidence-based strategies that have been successful in Chicago Public Schools or other large school districts and meet local, state and federal requirements.
All Curriculum and Materials must include components for both skill instruction and skill practice. Curriculum and Materials for SEL should be adaptable for implementation ina virtual setting and include the following as approved by the Board:
RFP for Leadership, Teacher and Staff Development
Specification No. 22-06-04
Seltrove was awarded this RFP because of our SEL for teachers workshops. Our SEL teacher workshops are training for teachers, counselors, and other school staff in the CASEL competencies of Social and Emotional Learning.
Our workshops include training in:
- SEL for adults
- Creating an SEL environment for students
- Teaching strategies for building self-awareness, self-management, and responsible decision-making in students K-12
- Equity, social awareness, and healthy relationship building
All of our workshops are:
Asynchronous, digital workshops which gives schools & teachers flexibility to learn when convenient to them
CASEL-aligned and promote all aspects of Social and Emotional Learning
Culturally responsive
Trauma-informed teaching practices
Appropriate for adult learners
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Approval Paperwork
On receipt of our quote, proceed with the financial paperwork with the bucket number.
Access your SEL Solutions
Once your District Purchase Order has been received, we will work with you to provide you with access to your SEL Solutions.
Some of the Schools that choose Seltrove:
Turner Fenton Toronto
Barry Goldwater HS Phoenix
City High Middle School
Franklin Middle School
Kansai International School
Thomas Jefferson High School
Donovan Catholic High School
Allen High School Texas
St. John's School Vancouver
Cherokee Middle School
Gulf High School
Lincoln Park HS Chicago