Course catalogue
Teacher SEL Training
Which option fits you best?
SEL Courses & Workshops
Full-Length, Video-Based SEL Teacher Courses
Our online courses are a comprehensive way to learn about all aspects of SEL in your elementary or middle & high school classroom.
Courses are video-based and include resources for teachers to print and use in their classrooms.
Courses are 6 modules in length and are approximately 15 hours in length.
Courses are video-based and include resources for teachers to print and use in their classrooms.
Courses are 6 modules in length and are approximately 15 hours in length.
SEL Teacher Workshops
SEL workshops are shorter and arranged by themes. The workshops take a constructivist approach by giving you hands-on learning opportunities to engage in the material.
Workshops include interactive elements and give you time to create relevant material to support your SEL teaching in your classroom.
Workshops are 2 hours in length or shorter.
Workshops include interactive elements and give you time to create relevant material to support your SEL teaching in your classroom.
Workshops are 2 hours in length or shorter.
Full-Length, Video-Based Teacher Courses
Online Teacher Courses that cover all 5 CASEL competencies in one course.
Preschool & Elementary School Teacher Course
Deepen your understanding and teaching of SEL in your preschool and elementary classroom with this video-based, comprehensive SEL teacher course.
Course syllabus:
Introduction to SEL in your Classroom
Responsible Decision-Making
Relationship Skills
Social Awareness
Certificate of Completion
Responsible Decision-Making
Relationship Skills
Social Awareness
Certificate of Completion
Middle & High School Teacher Course
Deepen your understanding and teaching of SEL in your middle and high classroom with this video-based, comprehensive SEL teacher course.
Course syllabus:
Introduction to SEL & Adolescence
Responsible Decision-Making
Relationship Skills
Social Awareness
Certificate of Completion
Course syllabus:
Introduction to SEL & Adolescence
Responsible Decision-Making
Relationship Skills
Social Awareness
Certificate of Completion